Most people don't live in your shoes


Few people know what it's like to run a business. Business owners share related struggles and need an uncommon caliber of support. RoundtableCEOs provides an exclusive platform where business leaders give and receive value to and from each other.

Facilitated by Steve “Tuck” Tucker, RoundtableCEOs offers monthly group interaction and one-to-one sessions. Each designed to practically challenge individuals, and uncover and resolve business issues.


There is power in time spent with others like you

About Tuck

Tuck is known to wield a Sharpie like a master swordsman. After you’ve sat across the table with him, you’ll understand why. Many business leaders have come to him to help them take a fresh look at their organization—to uncover new thinking and resolve problems. Tuck's business leader group experiences and one-to-one sessions are designed to not only grow businesses but business leaders themselves.

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